School to be built in Crooks

Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor Capital outlay certificates, to not exceed $9.7 million, will be used to construct a new elementary school in Crooks. Included in the project will be five kindergarten classes, one junior kindergarten classroom, one early childhood...

Assisted living adjustments

Marylou Nagel | Writer The last month has been one of adjustments and changes.  Families, schools and businesses have all felt the effects of social distancing.  One place that has also had to make adjustments in favor of safety is Colton Assisted...

Bringing smiles

Six-year old Teagan Price and mother Shelly took time to draw messages to others who use the bike trail in Hartford near Hartford Heights.  With the ongoing urging of people to stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic, the trails give people a welcome opportunity...

School canceled for remainder of year

Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor On Monday, April 6, Governor Kristi Noem recommended that students not return to their classrooms this school year.  Although the news was expected, districts are now preparing for the remainder of the school year to be taught...

Generosity displayed for hometown businesses

Marylou Nagel | Writer Most of the restaurants and bars in Hartford and Humboldt are closed to public gatherings, but open for carryout and/or delivery.  People in Hartford and Humboldt have been very supportive by keeping local businesses in mind for...