Patrons speak both against and in favor of board’s decision

Sarah Ebeling | Writer The Tri-Valley School board met via teleconference on Monday, May 11.  During the meeting, four people spoke, giving their opinion on the board’s recent decision to build a new school in Crooks.  The first speaker, Kathleen Puttmann,...

Voss joins New Century Press team as Minnehaha Messenger Editor

Melissa Voss | Editor It is with great honor that I join the New Century Press team as the editor of the Minnehaha Messenger.  My name is Melissa Voss, and I was born and raised here in Hartford, South Dakota.  Recently, I have graduated from the University...

Seeing 2020

Despite the cold and the wind, Tri-Valley and West Central graduates were celebrated for their years of dedication for their education. (Photos/Melissa Voss) Melissa Voss | Editor When imagining the end of their high school experience, the Class of 2020 most likely...

Growth and Expansion

Weeks ago crews were busy installing cement inside the new addition at Hartford Building Center. Now, construction is nearing completion. (Photos/Sarah Ebeling) Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor For months now, things have been busier than usual at Hartford Building...