
Camping reservations open Saturday for Memorial Day weekend

Reserve your campsite with South Dakota State Parks over Memorial Day weekend! Campsites and camping cabins on the 90-day reservation window open this Saturday, February 22, at 7 a.m. CT for arrival on Friday, May 23. (Custer State Park and modern lodging are...

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Warming up with soup fundraiser

The Colton Fire and Rescue had their annual soup dinner at Taopi Hall which gave patrons four soups to choose from during the cold month of February: Chili, Vegetable Beef, Chicken Noodle and Wisconsin Cheese. Soups were homemade by the Colton Firefighters and...

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Student News

Minnesota State Mankato announces 2024 fall semester Dean’s listMankato, Minn. - The Academic High Honor and Honor lists (Dean’s lists) for the past fall semester at Minnesota State University, Mankato have been announced by Provost and Senior Vice President for...

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Celebrating 100 days!

100 days smarter! The Tri-Valley Mustang students celebrated the 100th day of the 2024-2025 school year with counting, reading and writing. (Photos/Submitted)

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Sending Valentine’s Love

Mustang Elementary students were busy decorating Valentine’s cards to give to Colton Assisted Living residents along with cards sent to deployed military.The goal was to have 2025 cards completed. The Mustangs came close, completing over 1500 cards! The top class was...

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West Central Middle School announces eighth grade awards

January Student of the Month Nominees (Photos/Submitted) January Students of the Month (Photos/Submitted) January GRIT Award Winners (Photo/Submitted) Sara Stadem | Editor West Central middle school teachers, grades 6-8, get to select students they see showing...

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Lincoln Log Cabins and Presidential research

The students in Mrs. Spielmann’s second grade class worked on making Lincoln Log Cabins and did research on their favorite president. The students learned about the struggles, interests, and achievements of various presidents by using engaging resources. Through the...

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Weekly Update

Pictured is Rep. Leslie Heinemann and his wife Libby. Rep. Heinemann said he was honored to attend the public inauguration of the new Governor Larry Rhoden on Saturday, February 8, followed by a Capital ball that evening. (Photo/Submitted) Rep. Leslie Heinemann This...

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Weekly Update

This is the week before “Crossover Day.” That is when House bills must pass out of the House and Senate bills must pass out of the Senate. With that deadline approaching, committee meetings are packed and we are working long days. After Crossover Day things will...

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Open for opportunity

Gov. Larry Rhoden Just a few days ago, I was formally inaugurated as Governor at the South Dakota State Capitol. Hundreds of South Dakotans came to celebrate with me and my family, and I could not be more grateful for their support. That day, I delivered an inaugural...

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No time to waste to secure the border

Sen. John Thune The need to secure the border has never been clearer than in the last four years. The Biden administration’s open-border policies allowed criminals and gang members into the United States. South Dakota law enforcement traced drugs on our streets back...

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Restoring fairness to tribal education

Rep. Dusty Johnson BIG UpdateSchool conditions are dire in Indian country. For years, they haven’t received the funding they need, and now, unfortunately, schools are riddled with leaky roofs, broken heaters, mold, and more. Congress and the Bureau of Indian Education...

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Celebrating Tri-Valley FFA

Sara Stadem | Editor During National FFA Week, February 15-22, 2025, we are taking a look inside the So, we are taking a look inside the Tri-Valley FFA (Future Farmers of America) Chapter.This is the third year that Mr. Tanner Peterson has been the advisor for the...

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Celebrating West Central FFA

Sara Stadem | Editor National FFA Week this year is celebrated from February 15-22, 2025. So, we are taking a look inside the West Central FFA (Future Farmers of America) Chapter.Mrs. Linda Petersen is in her 41st year of teaching students about the industry of...

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Street expansion & Exit 387 projects continue

Sara Stadem | Editor Community members of Hartford will soon see some improvements to the streets of Hartford. Two projects will begin: Exit 387 Bridge Project and Western Avenue Expansion Project.According to a recent city council meeting, the South Dakota Department...

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Don’t forget about you!

Sara Stadem | Editor How often do you put your needs before others? Or does it happen more often than not that your needs take the back burner to your loved ones? Maybe you put your loved ones - your family and friends - or your coworkers, before yourself. Well, every...

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Clover Creations 4-h Club held November meeting

Submitted by Emmett Foster The Clover Creations 4-H club met on November 20, 2024 at the Brandon Public Library. Meeting was called to order by Aster H club members did flag pledges. Reports from the secretary and treasurer were read and approved. Our club won “Club...

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Harford Ace Hardware to host Community Blood Drive

Hartford, SD- Harford Ace Hardware will host a winter community blood drive on Tuesday, February 18, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. As a special thank you gift, all those who donate blood will receive a $15 D.Q. gift card. Donors may schedule their...

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