Mark and Becky Heathcote, parents of Zander, continue the Bowling for Zander Scholarship Tournament as a way to keep Zander’s memory alive, a way to pay tribute to his love for the sport of bowling and his sportsmanship and to give money back to area bowlers....
Mechanical Corn Picking Bee coming to Humboldt
Sara Stadem | Editor The Humboldt Threshing Show is bringing harvest time to you with a twist. The Humboldt Threshing Show (HTS) is hosting the Mechanical Corn Picking Bee which will take place on Saturday, October 19.The Mechanical Corn Picking Bee, according to...
Central Valley Struttin’ Gobblers celebrate 19th Hunting Heritage Banquet
NWTF Diamond Life Member (pictured left to right): NWTF Reg. Dir. Randy Gaskins, Greg & Becky Boddicker (Photo/Submitted) CVSG Volunteer of the Year (pictured left to right): President Phil Michaels & Joseph Michaels (Photo/Submitted) CVSG Sponsor of the Year...
It’s Salsa Showdown time
Sara Stadem | Editor Who’s ready for a showdown… a salsa showdown??Do you think you have the best salsa on this side of South Dakota? Want to show off your salsa talents? Be sure to sign up for the Salsa Showdown that will take place at the Main Street Humboldt Bar...
Humboldt’s Got Heart Farmers Market set
Sara Stadem | Editor October is a time for sweaters, coffee, and farmers markets and Humboldt’s Got Heart is gearing up for theirs! Humboldt’s Got Heart (HGH) will be hosting its Farmers Market on Saturday, October 19, in Pressler Park from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.According...
Oktoberfest celebrates area customers
Free themed t-shirts were given out to customers who attended Grocott Ink & Thread and Doc Nik’s Flowers and Gifts’ Oktoberfest on Wednesday, October 2. (Photo/Submitted) Marylou Nagel | Writer Grocott Ink & Thread and Doc Nik’s Flowers and Gifts celebrated...
Meet the County Commission candidates
Dave Baumeister | County Correspondent In this year’s general election, county voters are being asked to choose among three people to fill two seats on the Minnehaha County Commission.Incumbent Dean Karsky (Republican) is facing two challengers, Anny Libengood...
Happy 50th Anniversary to Lonnie and Cathy Kramer on October 19th!Help us celebrate Lonnie and Cathy’s 50th Wedding Anniversary on October 19th by mailing well wishes to them at: 25770 460th Ave. Humboldt, SD 57035
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,We are being told how important the Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline will be for economic development. As always when out-of-state companies plan projects that depend on support from us, they promise jobs, investment, better corn prices, and prosperity....
What you need to know about RL21
Representative Karla Lems District 16The South Dakota ballot box will determine the future for South Dakota in many ways. One of them is in the form of Referred Law 21, or RL21.I wish I could sit down with each of you to explain every step that has led to RL21 being...
Vote NO on Referred Law 21: A wolf in sheep’s clothing
Letter to the Editor Recently supporters of a controversial proposed hazardous carbon dioxide pipeline have been promoting Referred Law 21. However, before you vote on RL 21 this November you need to understand the rest of the story.RL 21 is a creation of Pierre...
Letter to the Editor
Legislation contained in RL21, sponsored by District 8 Senator Casey Crabtree with the support of District 8 Representative Tim Reisch, accommodates a private, foreign invested, out of state company that has demonstrated it has no intention of following either the...
Not another ballot measure
Sen. Brent “B.R.” Hoffman “Term limits would cure both senility and seniority…both terrible legislative diseases.” - Harry TrumanYou don’t hear much talk about term limits nowadays, and that’s just how most politicians like it. But many voters are interested in the...
IM28 requires cuts to schools and nursing homes
House Majority Leader Will Mortenson (R-Fort Pierre)Senate Majority Leader Casey Crabtree (R-Madison) In November, South Dakotans will decide whether to adopt a measure that would have a massive impact on the state budget and all who rely on it. Initiated Measure 28...
Coloring her way to the top
Mustang 4th grader, Evolet Mena Lopez (left), participated in a state-wide coloring contest organized by the South Dakota Farmers Union Foundation and was chosen as one of the top five finalists. (Photo/Submitted) Sara Stadem | Editor Mustang 4th grader Evolet Mena...
Fire Prevention Week at Tri-Valley
Fire Prevention Week runs from October 6-12 with this year’s campaign being, “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!” The campaign strives to educate everyone about the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home. Local fire departments took time to visit the...
Tri-Valley holds annual Color Run
Avery Hill participated in Tri-Valley’s Color Run. (Photo/Submitted) Laura (left) and Keira McAreavey pose for a picture after completing Tri-Valley’s Color Run. (Photo/Submitted) Marylou Nagel | Writer The Tri-Valley cross country team and the Teacher Education...
Community journalism starts with community
By Adam Strunk Running a local newspaper can be one of the most frustrating, worthwhile, mundane, exciting, demanding, rewarding endeavors you can take on. Sounds great, kids, doesn’t it?This year, we received the honor of a request to tell our story as part of...
Mrs. Spielmann’s class on fire prevention week – Oct. 7-11, 2024
Hartford Elementary students had the privilege of having a presentation put on by the local fire department to teach our students all about fire safety. In the event of a fire, it is very important that every household has two exits planned for each room. Each exit...
Trojans march to success
Pictured are Trojan Drum Majors BreAnn Heider, Allison Brost, and Andie Ingalls with their awards from Luverne. (Photo/Submitted) Submitted by Daniel Eye The Marching Trojans are halfway through their competitive season and doing very well! On September 21, the...