Hartford’s Mayor Jones is pictured by the Live Lively logo at the City Hall, a new logo and motto that Hartford recently started using. Mayor Jones has been reelected for a two-year term as the Mayor of Hartford. (Photo/Amy M. Farr) Mayor Jones discusses Hartford’s...
Colton prepares for vendor fair
Sara Stadem | Editor The Colton Community Connected (CCC) has been preparing for their upcoming Spring Vendor, Craft Fair & Quarter Auction which will take place on Saturday, April 22, from 9am-1pm at Taopi Hall.Heather Bunde, committee member, explained this will...
CFR recognized as 2023 Friends of Sioux Basin Cattlemen’s
Pictured (left to right) is Dan Bunjer, Jerrit Pederson, Carter Warne, Cory McDonald, and Gerrit Pedersen, the volunteer CFR that accepted the award on behalf of CFR. (Photo/Submitted) Sara Stadem | Editor This year, the Colton Fire and Rescue (CFR) were recognized by...
Colton Fire and Rescue holds annual elections
Sara Stadem | Editor The Colton Fire and Rescue (CFR) recently held their annual elections for the 2023 Colton Fire Positions. Each year, the annual elections are held every February during their monthly meeting which are held the last Monday of each month.CFR 1st...
Tri-Valley construction continues for upcoming school years
Sara Stadem | Editor The Tri-Valley School District (TVSD) has entered the 2023 year diligently working to continue their improvements for the students, staff, and community members with the new schools being built.As of now, TVSD Superintendent Dr. Mike Lodmel...
The importance of National Agriculture Week
Aric Manthey | Writer To native South Dakotans, strolling past a farm on a gravel road is common scenery. In a state renowned for its farming history, few lose sight of Agriculture’s importance in our culture. For many though, the farming industry is one that’s...
Getting assistance with conservation needs
Sara Stadem | Editor As we celebrate National Agriculture Week, which is March 21-27 of this year, we take a look at options available to get assistance with conservation plans. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is part of the United States Department...
Humboldt Elevator to host annual meeting
Aric Manthey | Writer The Farmers Elevator Company of Humboldt will be hosting its annual shareholder meeting on April 4 at the meeting room of the Humboldt Fire Department. The event will start at 6 pm with a dinner, followed by the meeting. The company will discuss...
7th grade January Student of the Month for WC Middle School
Sara Stadem | Editor West Central middle school teachers, grades 6-8, get to select students they see showing outstanding character throughout the month. Teachers watch for things such as high-quality work, putting in extra effort, working well with others and...
West Central celebrates Dr. Suess
Adie Stadem | Staff Intern The week of March 2, also Dr. Suess’s birthday, Reading Across America Week (RAAW) is celebrated throughout schools all across the country. The students at the West Central (WC) School were one of the many schools that participated in...
The Messenger heads to classrooms for Newspaper in Education Week
Students in Mrs. Spielmann’s 2nd grade class helped each other find family and friends in the paper when The Minnehaha Messenger visited their classroom. (Photo/Sara Stadem) Sara Stadem |Editor The first full week in March is a week designed to inspire educators to...
Lions Club returns to Hartford
Aric Manthey | Writer A long-time service organization will be making its return to Hartford this year. The Lions Club will be re-establishing a chapter in Hartford and they are looking to make an immediate imprint in the community. The club will be hosting an...
The battle of wits
Pictured is the West Central High School Qjuiz Bowl team. Front row (left to right) is Echoe Kjellsen, Camden Bjergaard, Adam Johnson, Taylor Cain, Abi Horner, and Rylee Cawley. Back row (left to right) is Kaden Graham, Andie Ingalls, BreAnn Heider, Keira Heider, and...
Snow causing fires? Check your gas meters
Sara Stadem | Editor As the snow starts to melt and the sun starts to help us feel like spring is near, some might not realize there can still be issue with your home’s gas meter.During the last few weeks, the Colton Fire and Rescue (CFR) have answered three or four...
Hartford Area Chamber of Commerce assembles Board for 2023
Amy M. Farr, Executive Director for the Hartford Area Chamber of Commerce. (Photo/Submitted) Aric Manthey | Writer The Hartford Area Chamber of Commerce (HACC) has rounded out its Board of Directors for the 2023 year. This year’s President will be Ashlie Matthews from...
Hartford City Council gathers for first March meeting
Aric Manthey | Writer The Hartford City Council met on March 7th to have their first of two monthly meetings. In attendance were Mayor Arden Jones, along with Council Members Chris Woslager, Cindy Matson, Mark Brenneman, Travis Kuehl, and Mark O’Hara. Council member...
Parent Teacher Association to host Ties and Tiaras
Marylou Nagel | Writer The West Central PTA’s spring tradition is back showcasing daughters and fathers.Ties and Tiaras will be held Friday, March 31, from 7-9pm, at the West Central Becker Center in Hartford.This popular annual fundraiser is packed full of...
Breakfast fuels the day for learning
Sara Stadem | Editor As the students are counting down the days to the end of the third quarter of the school year and gearing up to head into the fourth, there is a group that works together to get the students started off on the right foot each school day.The first...
CCCCC is chasing the Ace of Diamonds for new building
The Crooks Community Child Care Center is looking to build in their new location on West Avenue. With the new building, they are hoping to have 100 full time children. (Photo/Sara Stadem) Sara Stadem | Editor For the past three years, the Crooks Community Child Care...
Tri-Valley Archery aims for National Tournament
The Tri-Valley Archery season started in January and will go until April for those that qualify for the National Tournament. (Photo/Sara Stadem) Sara Stadem | Editor With their season under way, the Tri-Valley Archery (TVA) has headed into their sixth year with their...