Pictured are the gifts received from the South Dakota Farm Families that recognized School Lunch Heroes for their dedication to serving students. Becky Vockrodt of the West Central School District and Shar Van Hofwegen of the Tri-Valley School District were the local School Lunch Heroes that were nominated and received the recognition from the South Dakota Farm Families. (Photo/Submitted)

Sara Stadem | Editor

Rolling into the 2020-21 school year of uncertainties, there were many professionals that had to face several new challenges. The South Dakota Farm Families decided to recognize some of those that faced those every day challenges.
The press release stated:
South Dakota Farm Families recognize School Lunch Heroes
School Lunch Hero Day, May 7, 2021
SIOUX FALLS, SD — South Dakota schools have seen challenges over the past two school years that none of us could have ever imagined! Starting in March last year and going into the current school year, there have been countless people who have gone the extra mile to create the best experience possible for the students. Each and every one of them is a hero! However, one group that stands out is the school nutrition staff. From preparing and packaging to-go lunches when buildings were closed to taking extra steps to sanitize and ensure the safest lunch rooms possible for students, they haven’t missed a beat!
Each year, more than 150,000 South Dakota students are served more than 25,000,000 meals by these everyday heroes. To honor them for everything they do for the students, South Dakota Farm Families are awarding heroes a $25 grocery gift card along with gifts from our partners South Dakota Corn, South Dakota Beef Industry Council, South Dakota Soybean and Midwest Dairy.
The 170 nominees included positive accolades for those working behind the scenes, including comments like, “….started her first year in the lunchroom and was thrown into figuring out meals for our rural district during Covid. She was creative and organized and made everything work without a hitch.” Other nominee comments included, “she cooked and then helped deliver lunches last spring when we went to online learning without a second thought. We can’t imagine our school without her!”   
“South Dakota Farm Families express deep appreciation to the men and women who prepare and serve school meals and commend their good work on behalf of children,” said Ag United/South Dakota Farm Families Outreach Director Heidi Zwinger. “As a parent of a school age son, I am always amazed what the Lunch Heroes do each and every day,” added Zwinger.
According to Zwinger, one person was recognized from each school and there were two local School Lunch Heroes that were recognized by the South Dakota Farm Families. Becky Vockrodt of the West Central School District was nominated by Jody Driscoll and Shar Van Hofwegen of the Tri-Valley School District was nominated by Kellie Wicks.
Wicks did not leave a comment as to her nomination for Van Hofwegen. Driscoll shared in her nomination, “Becky is a hard worker and is always happy when she is at work.”
Van Hofwegen was not able to be reached for comment.
Vockrodt has been a school lunch hero at West Central since 2011 and when asked what her typical day is like, she said she’s busy preparing a lot of good food for the kids at school.
There are seven lunch heroes that work together at the West Central high school and middle school and Vockrodt indicated that her favorite part of her day is just having good fun with the ladies in the kitchen.
She shared she has many good memories because of her career. “Lots of good memories watching the kids come through and them shouting, ‘This is our favorite meal’ or saying ‘We are having that, yeah!’ It’s fun to hear all of the kids’ comments,” Vockrodt said. She continued, “It’s fun to watch all the kids grow up from the middle school to the high school.”
Vockrodt indicated she was unaware that she was nominated for the award until Jody Driscoll gave her the information. “I didn’t know anything about it until Jody (Driscoll) walked in and said we have a gift for you. She handed me a bag with gifts in it and the card that said I was nominated by Jody and it just blew me away,” Vockrodt said.
When asked what it meant to her that Driscoll nominated her for this award, Vockrodt said, “I’m just flabbergasted. I have no words to describe it.”
In addition to the $25 grocery gift card, both Vockrodt and Van Hofwegen received a grill tool, a spatula, hand sanitizer, lanyard and pen in a reusable grocery bag.